Student Achievement

Red Fox Spotlight: Kaylin Moss ’22

Kenneth Guillaume ’20

2021年5月13日—南卡罗来纳州22岁的Kaylin Moss在大一的时候转到了bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学. 她被吸引到哈德逊河谷,因为bet亚洲365欢迎投注独特的IBM联合研究和学院靠近纽约市. Throughout her time at the College, 莫斯在她转到的组织中担任领导角色,并建立了全国黑人工程师协会(NSBE)的bet亚洲365欢迎投注分会:她目前担任主席. Moss是一名杰出的计算机科学专业学生,她致力于增加软件开发和时尚领域的多样性——这是她的另一个爱好.

What made you want to come to Marist?
凯琳·莫斯:我妈妈在收到bet亚洲365欢迎投注的传单后建议我转到bet亚洲365欢迎投注. IBM联合研究是一个推动因素,因为我认识到这是一个不可思议的合作伙伴关系,对bet亚洲365欢迎投注来说是独一无二的. 我期待着在毕业前拓展我的专业网络,积累工作经验. A secondary factor for transferring was Marist’s location. I also liked the College’s proximity to New York City.

Tell us about your involvement with the Joint Study.
KM: I became involved with the Joint Study right away. During my sophomore year, 我于2019年6月至2020年5月在联合研究中担任项目经理实习生. 我典型的工作日包括安排与IBM软件开发人员的会议, designers, and managers, documenting system architecture, and conducting research. My project, Trusted Identity, 利用IBM软件提出数字学生id作为物理学生id的替代方案. After auditing current Marist software and pain points, 我们了解到,我们可以加快学院的身份识别过程. 我们的解决方案降低了成本,同时也改善了学生的体验. 这是一个具有挑战性的项目,但我有很多机会和其他实习生一起玩得开心. 我最美好的回忆是参观IBM在波基普西的工厂, 并在企业计算社区会议上做志愿者. 2020年夏天,我在IBM实习,担任前端开发人员.

22岁的Kaylin Moss和同学参加Marist-IBM联合研究项目的照片

Kaylin Moss(左三)和其他Marist/IBM联合研究的学生参观IBM在Poughkeepsie的办公室, NY.

你最近获得了Gumbo Coalition奖学金和Zillion Women in STEM奖学金. Tell us more about these honors.
KM: Gumbo Coalition大学师友计划是由名胜世界赌场赞助的. 它是根据马克·莫里亚的书《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》改编的, Unite, and Achieve. 该项目包括奖学金和参加为期六周的密集虚拟指导计划,听取来自全国各地的知名作家和演讲者的意见. I am so thankful to become and Gumbo Coalition scholar! As for the Zillion Women in STEM scholarship, I applied to help offset my transportation costs, books, and other school expenses. 奖学金使我能够专注于NSBE,完成我的计算机科学学位.

你创立了全国黑人工程师协会的bet亚洲365欢迎投注分会. 这是如何实现的,这对你来说意味着什么,让它成为你在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的遗产的一部分?
KM:我非常自豪能够创立NSBE,特别是在大流行期间. Edwin Forson ‘20, who I met in the IBM Joint Study, had the idea to charter the organization his senior year. 我本打算以副总裁的身份帮助他获得NSBE. 然而,冠状病毒的爆发推迟了俱乐部的章程. Organizations like NSBE are pushing the Marist culture forward. 我很高兴能完成埃德温开始的事业,并在bet亚洲365欢迎投注留下一份永恒的遗产.

What are your plans for NSBE in the future?
KM:我很高兴能够发展NSBE并帮助尽可能多的学生! NSBE is collaborating with many other Marist organizations, including the Computer Society, Math Club, and Asian Alliance, and hosts both professional and social events. 我们还与当地组织合作,如自由伙伴关系计划和纽堡早期大学高中,以鼓励未来的玛丽斯特学生加入NSBE.

Image of Kaylin Moss '22You’re incredibly involved in the Computer Science department, but you also seem to have a passion for the fashion industry. 你能详细介绍一下你在多元文化事务中心的文化时装秀上的工作吗?
KM:我从2018年开始做模特,以增加时尚行业的多样性. 文化时尚秀展示了bet亚洲365欢迎投注的各种文化, with apparel coming from students, faculty, and staff. 这些服装代表了来自世界各地的遗产. I modeled a Ghanaian gown in the event. Outside of Marist, 我曾在杂志和摄影作品中出现,以打破传统, European-centric beauty standards.

What are your plans after Marist? What would be your ideal work environment?
KM: My dream job has collaboration and creativity at the core. 我倾向于前端开发和用户体验设计职业,因为它们需要其他设计师的投入, programmers, and software users in addition to a love for design. My ideal company is mid-sized and near the beach. 我喜欢探索新的领域,因此我正在纽约和南卡罗来纳以外的地区寻找机会.

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